QRS Research Directory M

Peer-reviewed abstract on the effects of magnetics on physical ailments

The impact of treatment with magnetic fields on a variety of physical ailments are presented in the following descriptions of recent studies, published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

Multiple Sclerosis

This article reports on the case of a 55-year-old female chronic progressive multiple sclerosis patient who received a single external application of low magnetic fields (7.5-picotesla; 5-Hz frequency) which lasted 20 minutes. The treatment quickly led to improvements in a variety of areas, including fatigue, sleep, vision, bladder function, movement and speech problems, and mood.

R. Sandyk, "Rapid Normalization of Visual Evoked Potentials picoTesla Range Magnetic Fields in Chronic Progressive Multiple Sclerosis," International Journal of Neurosci, 77(3-4), August 1994, p. 243-259.

This study reports on four cases of multiple sclerosis who experienced improvements in visuospatial and visuomotor functions following treatment with external application of low magnetic fields.

R. Sandyk, "Further Observations on the Effects of External picoTesla Range Magnetic Fields on Visual Memory and Visuospatial Functions in Multiple Sclerosis," International Journal of Neurosc, 77(3-4), August 1994, 203-27

This article reports on the case of a 50-year-old female chronic progressive multiple sclerosis patient who received a single external application of low magnetic fields who experienced significant improvements following the treatment.

R. Sandyk, "Successful Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis with Magnetic Fields," International Journal Neurosci, 66(3-4), October 1992, p. 237-250.

This article reports on the cases of three patients suffering from long-time symptoms of multiple sclerosis who received treatment with extra cerebral pulsed electromagnetic fields over a period of between 6 and 18 months. Results showed all three patients experienced significant improvements in cognitive functions.

R. Sandyk, "Progressive Cognitive Improvement in Multiple Sclerosis from Treatment with Electromagnetic Fields,"International Journal of Neurosci, 89(1-2), January 1997, p. 39-51.

This is a report on the cases of two chronic multiple sclerosis patients exhibiting severe speech problems. Symptoms were completely resolved following 3-4 weeks of treatment with pulsed electromagnetic fields.

R. Sandyk, "Resolution of Dysarthria in Multiple Sclerosis Treatment with Weak Electromagnetic Fields," International Journal of Neurosci, 83(1-2), November 1995, p. 81-92.

This article reports on the cases of three multiple sclerosis patients suffering from alexia (lack of understanding of written words) who experienced a reversal of the alexia following the start of pico tesla-range electromagnetic field treatment.

R. Sandyk, "Reversal of Alexia in Multiple Sclerosis Weak Electromagnetic Fields," International Journal of Neurosci,83(1-2), November 1995, p. 69-79.

This article reports on the case of a middle-aged disabled female patient with a 19-year history of chronic relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. Within one day of receiving experimental treatment with picotesla electromagnetic fields, the patient exhibited improvements in her condition. The patient continued with 1-2 treatments per week over a period of 32 months. During this time, significant improvements were seen with respect to a range of physical symptoms, as well as cognitive functions.

R. Sandyk, "Long Term Beneficial Effects of Weak Electromagnetic Fields in Multiple Sclerosis," International Journal of Neurosci, 83(1-2), November 1995, p. 45-57.

The cases of three female multiple sclerosis patients exhibiting suicidal behavior are discussed in this article. Treatment with pulsed pico tesla-level electromagnetic fields resolved the suicidal behavior in all three patients, an improvement that was maintained over a follow-up period of 3.5 years.

R. Sandyk, "Suicidal Behavior is Attenuated in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis Treatment with Electromagnetic Fields," International Journal of Neurosci, 87(1-2), October 1996, p. 5-15.

This article reports on the case of a 36-year-old man severely disabled with partial paralysis and lack of coordination. Three treatment sessions per week with pulsed electromagnetic fields over a period of one year led to a range of improvements, including improvements in gait, balance, bowel and bladder functions, vision, mood, and sleep. No progression of symptoms associated with multiple sclerosis was seen throughout the course of EMF treatment.

R. Sandyk, "Treatment with Electromagnetic Field Alters the Clinical Course of Chronic Progressive Multiple Sclerosis--ACase Report," International Journal of Neurosci, 88(1-2),November 1996, p. 75-82.

This article reports on the cases of two multiple sclerosis patients suffering from chronic ataxia who performed poorly on human figure drawing tests administered to measure body image perception. Treatment with extracerebral applications of picotesla flux electromagnetic fields led to improvements in gait and balance as well as a normalization in body image perception as seen on a repeat of the same test each patient.

R. Sandyk, "Effect of Weak Electromagnetic Fields on Body Image Perception in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis, " International Journal of Neurosci, 86(1-2), July 1996, p. 79-85.

This article reports on the case of a 51-year-old female patient with remitting-progressive multiple sclerosis who experienced a successful reduction in carbohydrate craving believed to be associated with the exacerbation of her condition following treatment with a series of extra cranial AC pulsed applications of pico tesla flux intensity electromagnetic fields.

R. Sandyk, "Treatment with Weak Electromagnetic Fields Attenuates Carbohydrate Craving in a Patients with Multiple Sclerosis," International Journal of Neurosci, 86(1-2), July 1996, p. 67-77.

This article reports on the cases of three multiple sclerosis patients suffering from a chronic progressive course of the disease who experienced a reduction in tremors following treatment with brief external applications of pulsed EMFs of 7.5pT intensity.

R. Sandyk & L.C. Dann, "Weak Electromagnetic Fields Attenuate Tremor in Multiple Sclerosis," International Journal of Neurosci, 79(3-4), December 1994, p. 199-212.

This article reports on the cases of three female chronic multiple sclerosis patients who experienced a reversal of cognitive deficits following treatment with brief external applications of alternating pulsed electromagnetic fields in the picotesla range of intensity.

R. Sandyk, Reversal of Visuospatial Hemi-inattention in Patients with Chronic Progressive Multiple Sclerosis Treatmentwith Weak Electromagnetic Fields," International Journal of Neurosci, 79(3-4),December 1994, p. 169-184.

This article reports on the cases of three female multiple sclerosis patients with poor word fluency who experienced a 100percent increase in word output following 4-5 sessions of treatment with external applications of extremely weak electromagnetic fields in the pico tesla range of intensity.

R. Sandyk, Improvement in Word-fluency Performance in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis Electromagnetic Fields," International Journal Neurosci, 79(1-2), November 1994, p.75-90.

This article reports on the case of a 58-year-old male multiple sclerosis patient with a 37-year history of the disease. Treatment with external application of magnetic fields in the pico tesla range led to a speedy improvement of neurological symptoms in the areas of walking, balance, sensory symptoms, and bladder function. Improvements in numerous cognitive functions were seen within 24 hours of treatment as well.

R. Sandyk & R.P. Iacono, "Improvement PicoTesla Range Magnetic Fields of Perceptual-motor Performance and Visual Memory in a Patient with Chronic Progressive Multiple Sclerosis," International Journal of Neurosci, 78(1-2), September 1994, p. 53-66.

This article reports on the case of a 36-year-old multiple sclerosis patient who experienced immediate improvements in visuoperceptive functions following treatment with external application of pico tesla-range magnetic fields.

R. Sandyk & R.P. Iacono, "Multiple Sclerosis: Improvement of Visuoperceptive Functions PicoTesla Range Magnetic Fields," International Journal of Neurosci, 74(1-4), January-February 1994, p. 177-189.

This article reports on the cases of three multiple sclerosis patients suffering from falls due to rapid deterioration in balance and triggered distracting external auditory stimuli. Treatment with a series of extra cranially applied, low-frequency picotesla-range intensity electromagnetic fields quickly resolved such symptoms associated with a loss of balance.

R. Sandyk, "Application of Weak Electromagnetic Fields Facilitates Sensory-motor Integration in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis," International Journal of Neurosci, 85(1-2), March 1996, p. 101-110.

This article reports on the cases of three multiple sclerosis patients experiencing continuous and debilitating daily fatigue over the course of several years. Treatment with extracranially applied picotesla flux electromagnetic fields dramatically improved symptoms of fatigue in all three patients.

R. Sandyk, Treatment with Weak Electromagnetic Fields Improves Fatigue Associated with Multiple Sclerosis,International Journal of Neurosci, 84(1-4), February 1996, p. 177-186.

This article reports on the cases of two female patients with chronic progressive-stage multiple sclerosis who suffered from regular worsening of their symptoms starting approximately a week prior to menstruation and abating at menstruation onset. Such symptoms were resolved in both patients two months following the start of treatment with the extracranial application of weak electromagnetic fields.

R. Sandyk, Premenstrual Exacerbation of Symptoms in Multiple Sclerosis is Attenuated Treatment with WeakElectromagnetic Fields, International Journal of Neurosci, 83(3-4),December 1995, p. 187-198.

This article reports on the case of a 64-year-old female patient with a 22-year history of chronic progressive multiple sclerosis. Two 30-minute treatments with low-level electromagnetic fields produced a marked improvement in a variety of symptoms.

R. Sandyk R.P. Iacono, Resolution of Longstanding Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis Application of PicoTesla Range Magnetic Fields, International Journal of Neurosci, 70(3-4), June 1993, p. 255-269.

Results of this double-blind, placebo-controlled study found that pulsed electromagnetic fields administered daily over a period of 15 days proved to be an effective treatment in reducing spasticity and incontinence associated with multiple sclerosis.

A. Guseo, Double-Blind Treatments with Pulsating Electromagnetic Field in Multiple Sclerosis, Hungarian Symposium onMagnetotherapy, 2nd Symposium,May 16-17, 1987, Szekesfehervar, Hungary, p. 85-89.

Results of this double-blind, placebo-controlled study indicated that pulsed electromagnetic fields administered daily over a period of 15 days is a generally effective treatment in reducing symptoms associated with multiple sclerosis, with the most positive improvements involving the alleviation of spasticity and pain.

A. Guseo, Pulsing Electromagnetic Field Therapy of Multiple Sclerosis the Gyuling-Bordacs Device: Double-Blind, Cross-Over and Open Studies, Journal of Bioelectr., 6(1), 1987, p. 23-35.

Results of this double-blind, placebo-controlled study indicated that exposure to magnetic fields produced beneficial clinical effects in patients suffering from cerebral paralysis and in patients with multiple sclerosis.

A. Sieron, The Variable Magnetic Fields in the Complex Treatment of Neurological Diseases, European Bioelectromagnetics Association, 3rd International Congress, 29 February -3 March 1996, Nancy, France.

Muscle Injury

This study examined the effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields on recovery following muscle injury in rats. Results showed that both pulsed and constant magnetic fields were equally effective, with the constant field being more intense.

I.E. Detlav, The Influence of Constant and Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Oxidation Processes in Muscle, in I.E. Detlav, (ed.), Electromagnetic Therapy of Injuries and Diseases of the Support-Motor Apparatus. International Collection of Papers, Riga , Latvia : Riga Medical Institute, 1987, p. 12-16.

This study examined the effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields (Gyuling-Bordacs device) in patients suffering from peripheral muscle paralysis. Treatment consisted of 20-minute exposures (2-50 Hz, 70 G). Results showed 50-Hz pulsed electromagnetic fields to be the most effective level of treatment and that such therapy enhanced muscle irritability in peripheral paralysis patients as well as in healthy controls.

L. Mecseki, The Study of the Efficacy of Magnetotherapy in Peripheral Paralysis, Hungarian Symposium onMagnetotherapy, 2nd Symposium, 16-17,May 1987, Szekesfehervar, Hungary, p. 149-158.

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