Slipped Disc Treatment


Traditionally, surgical method involves an operation to remove the portion of the disc that is protruding and pressing on the nerve.

The surgeon makes a 5 cm incision along the backbone

The skin, muscle and nerves are peeled aside and clamped down

A bit of the bone is cut off from the vetebra to get to the slipped disc

After the protruding part is cut off, the muscle and skin are replaced and sewn up


No, there is an alternative. Surgery is invasive and expensive. I have seen patients being reduced to lives of misery and frustration. Surgery does not guarantee freedom from future attacks.


Slipped disc patients who undergone surgical treatment several times come to us for Ancient Trigger Point Therapy (ATPT). These patients suffered relapse less than nine months after their operation. I have treated patients as young as 18 years to as old as 76 years of age. Patients were nationals of Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore and China. These patients are now totally free from agony.


One ATPT lasts only two hours and patients are able to experience the difference. They discovered they could walk without pinching the nerve causing pain. ATPT is the world's only simplest and safest alternative treatment for slipped disc patients.


One to two days of bed rest may benefit suffers of slipped disc. This relaxes the tissues and takes pressure off the disc. Bed rest for longer periods of time has never been demonstrated to be beneficial. On the contrary, many physicians believe extended bed rest can be detrimental to the overall physical and psychological health of an individual, factors that greatly impact back pain.

You should slow down your schedule, reduce workloads and have friends and family help around the house. You should not lift anything weighing more than five to ten pounds and limit bending forward. Both of these activities increase pressure in the disc space.



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